The East Anglia Lotus Club was formed in 1982 by a group of Lotus enthusiasts from Norfolk and Suffolk who realised the need for an active independent and regionally based motor club to cater for all local owners and enthusiasts of all Lotus cars.
The principal aim of the East Anglia Lotus Club is to offer its members assistance and guidance in all aspects of Lotus car ownership and to encourage the interest and enjoyment of such ownership. The Club is privileged to have received the full approval and authorisation of Group Lotus plc whose famous and distinguished trademark is incorporated in the insignia of the East Anglia Lotus Club, yet the Club remains entirely independent being administered by an annually elected Committee of honorary officers who ensure that all subscriptions and payments to the Club are used to continually improve the facilities, services and benefits available to its Members.
Regular meetings, various driving events and vehicle displays at prestigious county shows form the basis of the East Anglia Lotus Club's activities. It also offers a regular publication, advice and assistance in respect of many important factors concerning Lotus ownership including maintenance, repair and restoration methods, servicing and agreed value car insurance, and in particular the availability of these services within the East Anglia area. The East Anglia Lotus Club is fortunate to have within its membership several foremost and authoritative experts on almost every aspect concerning Lotus cars whose individual and collective guidance is clearly invaluable whether you currently own, or are intending to purchase, a Lotus car. We thank you for your interest in the East Anglia Lotus Club.