"Lotus" and "Lotus and Device" (with a circle) are the registered trade marks of Group Lotus plc and printed herein with the express permission of Group Lotus plc for which the East Anglia Lotus Club registers its grateful thanks. The Secretary gratefully acknowledges all contributors to the publications that appear within this site.
The opinions and recommendations in all publications are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the publisher or editor of the East Anglia Lotus Club's publications. Every effort is made to ensure that material is correct and neither the East Anglia Lotus Club, nor its officers or committee members, the publisher or editor of the newsletter or other publication shall be held liable for death, injury, loss or damage arising from the above however caused, and the printing of such material and advertisements does not imply recommendation by the East Anglia Lotus Club., its officers or committee members, the publisher or editor of the newsletter or other publication, Group Lotus plc its associate or subsidiary companies or any of its servants or agents.
Offers of goods or services contained in this publication are published in good faith. All responsibility as to price, quality, and suitability of goods and services is a matter entirely between the parties concerned in any transaction. The East Anglia Lotus Club, its officers or committee members shall not be held responsible in any way for any misrepresentation or failure and neither can they be called upon to advise or adjudicate in any dispute. Caveat emptor.
The accuracy of the contents of the publications that appear within this site, including all dates, were believed to be correct at the time of their production. All are subject to change without prior notification.